Grief Counseling
Grief Counseling is offered individually or in a group setting that assists the grievant to develop a plan of action for safety and well-being from a loss of any source.
This is not a drop-in or support group.
Due to the intense nature of grief, class size is limited to 12.
Each Participant Will Learn:
- Strategies to deal with loss and sorrow positively
- Strategies to maintain a physical and emotionally healthy lifestyle
- Decisions that must be made the first year after a loss
- Decisions that should never be made the first year after a loss
- Myths of loss that never make any sense, even to the dead
- How to honor the memory of loss without crippling the present and the future.
- How to become better, not bitter
- The healing power of journaling
- How to draw a blueprint for a future of a meaningful life
All participants will receive a complementary journal.
All participants will receive a certificate of completion at the closing ceremony.
All participants can receive a discount for 1/1 counseling when requested.
Grief Recovery – 3 Day Class (Coming Soon)
Session 1:
- Introductions
- Logistics
- Guidelines
- Grief definition
- What may recovery look like for you
- Ideas for completion
- Opening ceremony
Session 2:
- Meditation
- Identify the myths of grief generally and personally.
- Identify personal tools used to deal with grief.
- Identify tools used in this class to deal with unresolved
- Lunch
- Identify “other people’s” opinions on how you should feel and deal with your grief.
- Identify your responsibility for yourself and your feelings as to how you deal with your grief.
- Identify and discuss Short Term Energy Relieving Behaviors. (STERB)
- Homework: Loss History Graph
Session 3:
- Opening Meditation
- Review of the previous session. Thoughts and feelings.
- Presentation of each participant’s Loss History Graph.
- Dyad discussion of each persons’ graph from a healthy and unhealthy perspective.
- Lunch
- Using the elements of apology, forgiveness, and love, each participant will offer actions for recovery and healing as a group exercise.
- Statement writing exercise of individual feelings and coping for the future as a completion letter.
- Dyad discussion of individual completion letters.
- Closing ceremony with journals and diplomas.